July 16, 2017
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Metcon (Time)

    Nicole’s 50th Birthday WOD

    CrossFit Golf

    This is a PAR 3 Course

    50 Back Squats (95/65)

    50 KBS (35/26)

    50 Med Ball Sit Ups (14/10)

    50 OH Lunges w/ plate (35/25)

    50 KB Snatch (35/26)

    50 Hip Extension

    50 Deadlift (135/95)

    50 Double Unders
    Each set of 50 is a PAR 3, meaning the goal is 3 sets or less to finish the 50 reps. If you finish in 1 set then you are a 1, if you finish in 4 sets you are a 4, if you finish in 3 its a 3. Your score will be your total score for the 8 movements.

    30 Minute cut off. Double par penalty (6) for all movements not completed within the time cap. Also 6 sets is the most you can get on any movement.