Personal Info
Name | James Schellman |
CrossFit Info
CrossFitter Since | 2013-06-10 |
Favorite WOD | Filthy Fifty |
Goals | Reach 158lbs by end of challenge |
The Girls
Grace | 3:30 7/18/2014 |
Karen | 11:00 |
Nancy | 15:35 @ 65# |
The Heros
Murph | 43:00 5/2014 |
Randy | 5:14 5/2015 |
Fight Gone Bad | 316 Total reps starting with Row |
Filthy Fifty | 28:18 (Killer Ropes) |
XS Benchmark | 6:17 |
250m Row | :45 |
500m Row | 1:38 |
1 Mile Run | 6:20 |
5K Run | 21 min |
Back Squat | 275 |
Box Jump Height | 49.5 |
Bunch Press | 210 single and 185 5x | 04/10/2014 (205#) |
Clean | 04/10/2014 (215#) (195# Clean and jerk 07/22/2104) |
Deadlift | 1 rep max = 315 | 5 rep max = 275 |
Front Squat | Max set of 5 = 175 Max set of 3 on 03/25 = 215 Max set of 1 rep = 240 6/2014 |
Jerk | 195# |
Overhead Squat | 125 | 04/10/2014 (115#) |
Shoulder Press | 145 |
Snatch | 135 | 155# 7/22/2014 |