March 30, 2012
    by Alex Etzen

    Hey everyone, lets talk a little about being hurt or injured. I’ve noticed a few members talking about different aches and pains .

    It is very important for athletes to learn the difference between being hurt and being injured. Athletes must recognize just how much pain their bodies can take, and is the pain caused from just a muscle ache or a muscle tear? I have seen people use minor injuries as an excuse to get out of running, and also seen many CrossFiters push through the pain. CrossFiters want to compete against others but taking the chance with making the injury worse by trying to beat someone is reckless. Being injured means there is something wrong whereas being hurt means there is technically nothing wrong. Think about the fact that if you make the injury worse; you could be out for a longer period of time. I’m not saying to not come in if you’re injured. We can always set up a workout that stays off your injury.

    On the other hand, many CrossFiters have learned how to workout hurt. They fight through the pain, and don’t miss workouts just because they are hurt. It really just depends on the individual. I’ve seen CrossFiters that pushed through being hurt and some that didn’t workout because they broke a fingernail (not really, but it sometimes felt like that was the case). It really just depends on the person and how dedicated they are to being fit. Please do your best to decipher if you’re hurt or injured and let the trainer know.

    I’m not putting anyone on the spot. It’s just something to think about.


    5 Rounds of:
    -10 SDHP 95/65
    -20 Double Unders

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