June 7, 2012
    by Alex Etzen
    Tuesdays and Thursdays will NOT have a 9:00am class until August 7th

    There will NOT be a Saturday class this week. Sorry about this but Mindy, T.J and I will be doing the Tough Mudder on Saturday. If you have never heard of a Tough Mudder here is the link to check it out http://toughmudder.com/events/colorado-2012/

    Here are a few pics of the storm at XS CrossFit.

    Just a little hail during the 5:30pm Class.


    10 Rounds Of:
    – 200m Row
    – 1min Rest

    Class Sign In

    Today’s Results (This can only be seen if you’re logged in)
    [hide] 7:00AM
    – Willie 17:49
    – Kathy 18:59
    – TJ 17:12
    – Jerry 16:59
    – Deb 17:19
    – Libby 18:29
    – Jeff 16:56