January 15, 2016
    by Alex Etzen

    The New Year Challenge will start on Sunday January 17th. Here is the link to the XS CrossFit New Year Challenge. xscrossfit.com/new-year-challenge You’ll be able to enter your daily results for sleep, diet, workout, wod tracking, water and mobility. Make sure you create an account on this website. If you are not registered on this website click here. This is not a username or password I gave you. You need to setup your own login info. If you setup a login for the Winter Challenge then that is the same username and password you will use for this New Year Challenge.

    Please put your billing info into Wodify by using the app and going to settings >>> Payment Info. If you don’t want to enter it yourself please give a card or your checking info to a coach and they will enter it. You can still pay with cash or check but let a coach know thats how you want to pay so they can mark your payment info as cash or check. Thanks

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Handstand Walk (Work progressions before walk)

    For max distance measured in feet.

    Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

    Death by Ring Row and Ring Dip
    -Min 1: 2 Ring Dip
    -Min 2: 2 Ring Row
    -Min 3: 4 Ring Dip
    -Min 4: 4 Ring Row
    -Min 5: 6 Ring Dip
    -Min 6: 6 Ring Row

    Continue until unable to complete reps within the minute

    Add up your total reps for your score