Time to sign up for the Nutrition Challenge! The price will be $45. You’ll be able to say who will be on your 3 person team later.
– The Nutrition Challenge will be 12 weeks long and starting on January 9th.
– You’ll get a body fat test done at the start.
– 6 weeks will be logging everyday for points.
– You’ll get a 2nd body fat test done at 6 weeks.
– The next 6 weeks will be on your own trying to keep what you have started going.
– You’ll do a 3rd body fat test at the end of 12 weeks.
– We will have prizes for the top 3 person teams.
Talk to a coach if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Here are the top athletes from last years Nutrition Challenge. The XS Nutrition Challenge is so much more than just a Nutrition Challenge. It’s more of a wellness challenge. You will be on a team of 3. If you don’t have a team of 3 we will build one for you.
Nutrition Challenge
You’ll start off by getting a body fat test at Nutrishop (Parker Rd & Arapahoe Rd.) in the 24hr fitness. Just say you’re with XS CrossFit and it’s free!
We will have a Nutrition Challenge Seminar on January 7th at 1pm to go over all the info and how to log everything.
You’ll log how well you do daily for 6 weeks starting on Monday, January 9th. Each day you’ll get point for each meal (Breakfast, snack, Lunch, snack, dinner, snack), Sleep, Workout, Extra Mobility, Drinking over 64oz of water.
Each meal will have 4 categories (close to the Paleo diet)
Rx+ (4 points for NO – Wheat, sugar, corn, fruit juices, most alcohol, breads, pastas, artificial ingredients, dairy, legumes, white potatoes, rice)
Rx (3 points for NO – Wheat, sugar, corn, fruit juices, most alcohol, breads, pastas, artificial ingredients.)
Scaled (2 points and allows things like corn, sprouted grains, fruit juice, some hard alcohol and a few other things.
Cheat (1 point for things like Pastas, Wheat, Sugar and things like that.
After 6 weeks of logging your daily info you’ll do another body fat test. You’ll get points for losing body fat and gaining muscle mass.
The second set of 6 weeks you don’t have to log anything. The goal is to maintain or continue doing what you’ve done.
After 12 weeks you’ll do another body fat test. You’ll get points for losing body fat and gaining muscle mass.
Come to the BBQ at the end and celebrate everyone’s hard work. We’ll give out prizes to the top teams.
Links For Nutrition Challenge
The price is $45 and use this link to pay. https://xscrossfit.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/ReviewPlanPurchase.aspx?OnlineMembershipId=149348&OnlineMembershipPaymentOptionId=686249&IsMobile=False
You can now do your porfile setup. Click the link belowto goto the Nutrition Challenge page and log your info for your first 5 points.
My F.I.T. Number
Almost last day to get your points for the FIT# Challenge for 2022. Take the class time to do whatever FIT# Challenges you want or work on a GOAT and do the Tabata Metcon
Login to https://myfitnumber.com and see where you’re at. If you need to get another year membership on the site use promo code: xscrossfit2011. Talk to a coach if you need any help. Talk to Alex to get your FREE coin of your top rank for the year.
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Double Tabata
-Alternate from Plank to Wall Sit ups
(Score is Total Number of Wall Sit ups.)