March 27, 2023
    by Alex Etzen


    The last body fat test for the Nutrition Challenge! You have until Friday April 7th to get your body fat test done and points entered. Here is the Nutrition challenge link.

    BBQ on Saturday April 8th at 1pm. We will do the awards for both the Nutrition Challenge and the Open. It’s a potluck so bring food or drinks.

    XS CrossFit – Barbell Club


    4:00 cardio warm up


    2 rounds NFT

    10 muscle snatch

    7 behind the neck press

    5 good mornings

    3 snatch balance

    Snatch + Overhead Squat complex (20 minutes to build)

    Work to a max weight for the following complex:

    -1 Snatch + 3 OHS

    BACK RACK LUNGES (6 x 6 (build))

    3 per leg