April 8, 2017
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    High Hang Snatch + Knee Snatch (5 x 2)

    2 Position Snatch with the first rep being from the high hang position and the second rep being from just above the knee. Ideally would like for you to maintain control of the bar throughout the set but you can drop the bar on sets 4 and 5.


    Bench Press + Strict Pull Ups (5 x (10 + 6))

    5 sets of 10 bench press at 50 – 55% of 1 rep max plus 6 strict pull ups. This is not for time but also shouldn’t be a ton of rest in between sets. Keep sets of bench unbroken so pick your weight accordingly. Singles are okay for pull ups. Scaling includes reducing the amount of strict pull ups or using a light band for assistance. Absolutely no kipping.