In CrossFit we are looking to ramp up the intensity until the mechanics start to degrade, then we should refocus on the mechanics while sustaining as much intensity as possible. This leads to improved mechanics at higher and higher levels of intensity. (High Intensity + Good Mechanics = Fast improvement) The goal is to never look back on a workout and think that you could have done better. Sure a month from now you could probably beat your time but that doesn’t mean you didn’t give it everything you had in that moment. This is something that is hard for a lot of people and shouldn’t only be applied to working out.
With a running clock of 3 minuets
Perform 10 shuttle runs (30′ down & 30′ back = 1)
then with the time remaining max reps of Shoulder to overhead @ 135#/95#
Rest 1:30 and repeat for a total of 4 times (your score is total reps of shoulder to overhead between all 4 rounds)