October 9, 2011
by Alex Etzen
Great first week of XS Crossfit!!! Seeing new faces, most people are feeling sore and had a nice drop in from an out of state CrossFiter (good luck on the Half Marathon Natalie). Cant ask for much more then that.
Still no classes on Sundays as of right now. Just to touch a little on class times, as of now they are:
- 7AM
- 5:30PM On Ramp
- 6:30PM
- 7:30PM
- 10AM
If you want a different class time added just let me know. If 6AM is better for you then we’ll try it out or if you want a Noon class so you can hit a workout on your lunch break we can try that too. If it works better for you then most likely it will work for someone else too.
-At Home WOD-
4 rounds of:
- Max air squats in 30 seconds
- Max handstand hold w/ a wall for time
Your rest from squats is how long you hold your handstand. Good Luck!