May 8, 2023
by Alex Etzen
Big THANKS to everyone that helped with the gym Spring Cleaning! We had some amazing members that gave up their Saturday or Sunday (or both) to make the gym look incredible. Please do your best to keep the gym looking good.
We also picked up a couple bags of dog poop. If you bring your dog please do your part and clean up after them.
The table in the small gym has all the items that were in the cubbies. Please take your items because we will be donating them along with the lost and found in 2 weeks.
XS CrossFit – Barbell Club
3 rounds NFT
10 cal row
10 muscle cleans
5/5 front rack lunges
7 good mornings
Clean Complex (20 minutes to build to a heavy)
Clean+Front Squat+Hang Squat Clean+Jerk
Bench Press (6 sets of 3. Only pause on the first rep)
Pause at bottom for 3 count. In between sets 3 strict pullups.