The Open was extremely close this year! Here are the top 3 teams.
1st -Sweating Xcellence (Coach – Trey) Allegra B., Bryan W., Gwen L., Luke M., Mark M., Nick H., Ryan L., and Sarah K.
2nd -Ripped and REDdy (Coach – Jimmie) Amanda S., Caitie O., Collin C., Chad A., Cici E., Jackie E., Jocelyn Y., Katie M., and Madison W.
3rd -Chalk Dirty To Me (Coach – David) Aly M., Brittany O., Desiree N., Jenna E., Jesse M., Jim K., Matt B., Megan L., and Tristan C.
Here is a link to check out the scores Leaderboard.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
– 10 cal Row
– 8 Scap Push-ups
– 8 Pass Thrus
– 1 Wall Walk
– :15 Hand Stand Hold
– 10 Cal AB
Split Jerk (10×1)
EMOM for 10 Minutes*
– 1 Split Jerk
(Score is Weight)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
3 Rounds of
2:00 running clock
– 15/12 Cal Row [RX+ 20/15]
– In Remaining time Max Kipping HSPU w/5″ build [RX+ Wall Facing Strict HSPU]
1:00 Rest
2:00 running clock
– 15/12 Cal AB [RX+ 20/15]
– In Remaining time Max Bear Crawl* [RX+ Hand Stand Walk*]
1:00 Rest
*5′ = 1
(Score is Reps)