April 5, 2023
by Alex Etzen
The last body fat test for the Nutrition Challenge! You have until Friday April 7th to get your body fat test done and points entered. Here is the Nutrition challenge link.
BBQ on Saturday April 8th at 1pm. We will do the awards for both the Nutrition Challenge and the Open. It’s a potluck so bring food or drinks.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
2 Rounds
– 30 High Jump Singles (2nd round DU)
– 8 Squats w/WB to a WB
– 8/6 Cals on AB
– 8 WB Thrusters
Metcon (Weight)
EMOM x 7 Minutes
– 7 Wall Balls (Heavy)
(Score is WB Weight)
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
– 150 Double Unders [RX+ 300 DU]
– 100 Wall Balls (14/10) [RX+ 20/14]
– 100/80 Calories on AB
Partition as Needed.
(Score is Time)