Time to sign up for the Nutrition Challenge! All you have to do right now is sign up at the link below to get the early bird discount $35. After the 25th the price will be $45. You’ll be able to say who will be on your 3 person team later.
– The Nutrition Challenge will be 12 weeks long and starting on January 9th.
– You’ll get a body fat test done at the start.
– 6 weeks will be logging everyday for points.
– You’ll get a 2nd body fat test done at 6 weeks.
– The next 6 weeks will be on your own trying to keep what you have started going.
– You’ll do a 3rd body fat test at the end of 12 weeks.
– We will have prizes for the top 3 person teams.
Talk to a coach if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Warm-up (No Measure)
– 10/8 cal AB
– 10 Scap Push-ups
– 10 Lunge + Twist
Bench Press (5×5+*)
*Build. 5@60%, 5@65%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5+@80% of 1 Rep Max.
400 M Walking Lunges (Time)
400 Meter Walking Lunges
(9) Laps inside the gym
(2) 200m track
(1) 400m track
Wear a weight vest if you’d like. 20/14#