October 16, 2022
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Warm-up (No Measure)

    – 500m Row

    2 Rounds Of:

     – 8 Knee Raises

     – 8 Air Squats to a WB

     – 8 Sit-Ups

     – 8 Scorpions


    Front Squat (4×3 @ 75-85%)

    Every 3 Minutes for 4 Sets*

     – 3 Front Squats

    *All sets at same weight – 75-85%


    A: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

    5 Rounds for Time:

    On a 2:00 Clock

     – ** Front Squats

     – 250/200m Row

    Rest 2:00


    Rnd1 – 10 @ 135/95

    Rnd2 – 8 @ 155/105

    Rnd3 – 6 @ 175/115

    Rnd4 – 4 @ 195/135

    Rnd5 – 2 @ 195/135

    *From the floor and must have collars.

    (Score is Time each Round)

    B: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

    5 Rounds for Time:

    On a 2:00 Clock

     – ** Front Squats

     – 250/200m Row

    Rest 2:00


    Rnd1 – 10 @ 95/65

    Rnd2 – 8 @ 115/75

    Rnd3 – 6 @ 135/95

    Rnd4 – 4 @ 155/105

    Rnd5 – 2 @ 155/105

    *From the floor and must have collars.

    (Score is Time each Round)

    C: Metcon (5 Rounds for time)

    5 Rounds for Time:

    On a 2:00 Clock

     – ** Front Squats

     – 250/200m Row

    Rest 2:00


    Rnd1 – 10 @ 55/35

    Rnd2 – 8 @ 75/55

    Rnd3 – 6 @ 95/65

    Rnd4 – 4 @ 115/75

    Rnd5 – 2 @ 115/75

    *From the floor and must have collars.

    (Score is Time each Round)