October 11, 2022
    by Alex Etzen

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    400m Row

    Then Immediately Into…

    2 ROUNDS

     – 8 Good Mornings

     – 8 Slam Ball Deadlifts

     – 8 Slam Ball Shoulder to Overhead

     – 8 Sit-ups

     – 5 Back Extensions

     – 3 Burpees


    Deadlift (Build to a Heavy 2-Rep Deadlift)

    (Score is Weight)


    Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

    4 Rounds

     – :45 Max MB Wall Sit-ups* (14/10) [RX+ 20/14]
     – :15 Transition

     – :45 Max Slam Balls (35/25) [RX+ 45/35]
     – :15 Transition

     – :45 Max AB Cals

     – :15 Transition

    *MB Toss to above 4′ line

    (Score is Total Reps + Cals)