October 5, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    The October challenge is BINGO! When you come to class grab a BINGO sheet and start completing tasks. We have prizes for X-out, S-out, and Blackout. Talk to a coach if you have any questions. Good luck!

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit


    Warm-Up (No Measure)

    2 ROUNDS

     – :45 AB

     – 8 Good Mornings

     – 8 Scap Pull-Ups

     – 8 Squats to a WB

     – 8 BB Push Press

     – 8 Scorpions


    Back Squat (5-5-5+)

    Every 4 Minutes for 3 Sets

    Set 1

     – 5 Back Squats @70%

    Set 2

     – 5 Back Squats @ 75%

    Set 3

     – 5+ Back Squats @ 80% (Goal is 8-15)

    (Score is Max Reps and Weight)


    Metcon (No Measure)

    EMOM for 10 Minutes

     – Min 1 – (6-10) Thrusters Unbroken

     – Min 2 – (6-10) Pull-Ups Unbroken

     – Min 3 – (6-10) Thrusters Unbroken

     – Min 4 – (6-10) Pull-Ups Unbroken

    Continue alternating through Min 10.

    Choose a Weight and number scheme that you can complete unbroken. We will increase number and/or weight each week.


    (Score is Number of Reps and Weight)


    5 Sets

    (Score is Number of Reps)