September 16, 2022

XS Golf!
I have 3 tee times (12 spots) for 11:24, 11:33, & 11:42 at Heritage Eagle Bend Golf Club. Sign up below ASAP to get a spot. We only have a few spots left. You’ll pay at the course for your spot. I’ll put together the foursomes when we have a full list. Talk to Alex if you have any questions.
XS CrossFit – General CrossFit
Metcon (No Measure)
100m Farmers Carry- Increase weight each round
10/10 Barbell Overhead Walking Lunges
10 DB Bench Press – Increase weight each round
*3 Rounds, NFT
Bench Press (5×5 at 75-85%)
All at the same weight.
Muscle Snatch (5 x 3)
Build in weight.
Accessory Work
DB Bulgarian Split Squats (10/10 each leg)
-Superset with KB Press-
KB Press (Bottom Up) (4 x 5/5 – Down and Back)
5 Right Arm – Down and Back
5 Left Arm – Down and Back
-Superset with Bulgarian Split Squat-
Record Heaviest Set