July 11, 2022
    by Alex Etzen


    In-house Team Competition
    – I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this years in-house team comp. So here’s what you need to know and the link to sign up.
    – It will be on Saturday August 13th from 8am to 4pm.
    – Early sign up is $25 (by 7/20) and late sign up is $35 (by 7/31)
    – All you have to do is sign up and we will build even teams of 4 people.
    – If you haven’t done this event before it is a lot of fun! We go all out on making it have the feel of a high end competition but anyone can do it. This event will test the fittest athletes in the gym along with allowing new athletes to do great and not feel like they’re holding a team back.
    – Talk to a coach with questions or email [email protected]
    – Here is the link to sign up. https://xscrossfit.wodify.com/OnlineSalesPortal/PurchaseByKeyEntry.aspx?Key=mMW0kwUhnWVP9dRl6QWY3Zrdn

    XS CrossFit – Barbell Club

    Warm-up (No Measure)

    3 Rounds NFT

    100m kB front rack carry

    10 muscle cleans

    10 jumping air squats

    3 Position Clean (3 x (1+1+1) @ 70 3 x (1+1+1) @75)

    High Hang + Knee + Floor

    Single Arm Dumbbell Row

    3 sets of 10 each arm – single arm DB row

    Incline DB Bench Press (3 x 8 Superset with DB row )

    Increase the weight each set.