• We’ll have prizes for the top 3 teams.
  • We’ll also have a prize for the team with the best uniforms.
  • The competition will start on Saturday August 17th at 8am and end by 4pm.

When things will be posted

  • Teams will be posted by 8/3.
  • WOD #1 will be posted by 8/12.
  • Heat Times will be posted by 8/13.
  • WOD #2 will be posted by 8/14.
  • WOD #3 will be posted by 8/15.
  • WOD #4 (The Final) will be announced at the comp.

Teams - (Posted)


  • Allegra Basanese
  • Jacob Gernert
  • Krystal Palmer
  • Nick Hammond


  • Brian Matthews
  • Christina Wood
  • Madi McNeal
  • Ryan Lucas


  • Matt Brady
  • Paul Wood
  • Robin Schellman
  • Sarah Aiken


  • Amber Svardal
  • Eric Brewington
  • Jamie Pagnotta
  • Joe Lyons


  • Amanda Simon
  • Eloy Ramos
  • Jordan Sullivan
  • Mackenzie Mattey


  • Aly McCormack
  • Jimmie Keas
  • Joe Wingard
  • Robin Nichols


  • Craig Johnson
  • Jenna Ehmann
  • Kade Snider
  • Katarina Etzen


  • Caitie Owens
  • Darren Buckland
  • Lisa Malinak
  • Mark McCormack

Heat Times - (Posted)

Click Here for the heat sheet.

WOD #1 - (Posted)

Event 1 (A&B&C) – 41 Minutes Total Time

(Team Triathlon) I’m getting sick, you smell like aftershave and taco meat!

WOD#1 A.
11 min AMRAP Of:
1.08k Swim (all working at the same time broken down by distance per athlete below)
  • A. 18 Laps (360m) Swimming
  • B. 15 Laps (300m) Swimming
  • C. 12 Laps (240m) Swimming
  • D. 9 Laps (180m) Swimming
With remaining time max synchronize Box Push Ups.
6″, 12″, 18″, 24″


4 min transition to WOD#1 B


WOD#1 B.
11 min AMRAP Of:
7.2k Fat Bike (all working at the same time broken down by distance per athlete below)
  • A. 12 Laps (2400m) Fat Bike
  • B. 10 Laps (2000m) Fat Bike
  • C. 8 Laps (1600m) Fat Bike
  • D. 6 Laps (1200m) Fat Bike
With remaining time max synchronize Farmers Carry Box Step Overs.
All 20″ Boxes
50’s, 35’s, 35’s, 20’s,


4 min transition 


WOD#1 C.
11 min AMRAP Of:
5.2K Run (all working at the same time broken down by distance per athlete below)
  • A. 8 Laps (1600m) Run
  • B. 7 Laps (1400m) Run
  • C. 6 Laps (1200m) Run
  • D. 5 Laps (1000m) Run
With remaining time max synchronize Burpee Box Jump Overs.
16″, 20″, 24″, 30″


WOD#1 Flow:

Part A. On 3-2-1- GO.. all 4 athletes will be in the pool and start swimming. Each athlete will be in the designated lane for how many laps they will be swimming. The outside lanes will be for C (12 laps) and D (9 Laps). When you complete your laps you can exit the pool and get ready for the synchronized Push Ups.

Once all 4 athletes are out of the pool, with the remaining time of the 11 minutes, they can start the synchronized push-ups. Each athlete will have a box height 6″, 12″, 18″, 24″ you can switch around athletes and boxes as much as you’d like. Score is total number of synchronized push-ups. Tie break is the time the last athlete finishes the swim.

After 11 minutes all athletes will have 4 minutes to go directly into Part B.

Part B. On GO…  all 4 athletes will start riding the fat tire bikes. Each athlete will have a designated number of laps they will be riding. When you complete your laps, you can get off your bike and get ready for the synchronized Farmers Carry Box Step Overs.

Once all 4 athletes have completed their distance on the bike, with the remaining time of the 11 minutes, they can start the synchronized Farmers Carry Box Step Overs. Each athlete will have the same size box height 20″ and different DB weights. 20’s, 35’s, 35’s, 50’s you can switch around athletes and Weights as much as you’d like. Score is total number of synchronized Farmers Carry Box Step Overs. Tie break is the time the last athlete finishes the bike.

After 11 minutes all athletes will have 4 minutes to go directly into Part C.


Part C. On GO…  all 4 athletes will start running. Each athlete will have a designated number of laps they will have to run. When you complete your laps, you can get ready for the synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs.

Once all 4 athletes have completed their run, with the remaining time of the 11 minutes, they can start the synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs. Each athlete will have a box height 16″, 20″, 24″, 30″ you can switch around athletes and boxes as much as you’d like. Score is total number of synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs. Tie break is the time the last athlete finishes the run.

Movement Standards:

Synchronized Push-Ups:

  • The Push-Ups starts with all 4 athletes at the top, then all athletes must have their chest in contact with the box at same time and back to the top at same time for the rep to be complete.
  • If an athlete presses out to the top of the push-up, they must wait there until all athletes get to the top for the rep to count.

Synchronized Farmers Carry Box Step Overs:

  • The movement starts with all 4 athletes holding Dumbbells with both feet on the ground, then all athletes must step both feet on the box and off the other side. The rep is complete when all 4 athletes are standing on the other side of the box.
  • Be careful not to step on the box before all athletes are holding Dumbbells.
  • Must keep Dumbbells in the farmers carry position during movement.
  • Be careful not to set down your dumbbells until all athletes are over the box with both feet on the ground.

Synchronized Burpee Box Jump Overs:

  • The movement starts with all 4 athlete’s chests on the ground., then all athletes must get up and jump with both feet landing on the box and step or jump off the other side. The rep is complete when all 4 athletes are touching the ground on the other side of the box.
  • You can jump over your box and lay down and wait for all teammates. to get there to start the next rep.
  • Be careful not to get up from the ground before all your teammates have their chests touching the ground.

WOD #2 - (Posted)

Event 2 (A&B) – 24 Minutes Total Time

(Olympic & Power) “And no one can lift your fat ass, you’re on a diet starting now.”


Each teammate will establish ether a 3, 6, 9 or 12 RM in each of the following lifts:

Hang Snatch (Power, Squat, or Split)
Bench Press
Hang Clean (Power, Squat, or Split)
Back Squat
In the lifting order above, each teammate must do each lift at a designated rep scheme. Only one teammate may do the 3RM, 6RM, 9RM, and 12RM at each lift, and you may not repeat a rep scheme on any subsequent lifts.

You may (for ease of loading the bars,) do any order of the rep scheme (3-6-9-12) within the set lift (Ex: 12-9-6-3, 9-6-12-3. Etc). Once your team is done with that specific lift, you MAY NOT go back. If a teammate FAILS their attempt, they can reattempt as many times as necessary. Your team will have 6 Minutes at each lift to establish your numbers. If time runs out and you are in the middle of a lift you can finish it, but your team can’t start the next station until you’re done. You do get credit for an incomplete attempt at your reps (ex. 8 out of 9 reps) but the weight lifted will only be multiplied by the number of reps completed. You may try again at another weight if you fail on an attempt. You may NOT re-rack the bar, or set the bar down in anyway during your attempt.


Your team MUST come in with a set plan on who is lifting what rep scheme at each lift, and have an idea of what each athletes goal weights will be. You must fill out the score-card (given at registration or Click Here to view and plan it out ahead of the event) and give it to your judge.

Each Team will have a Women’s 35# Bar and a Men’s 45# Bar at each station.

Each Team will have 6 (45# plates), 2 (35# plates), 4 (25# plates), 4 (15# plates), 6 (10# plates), 4 (5# plates), and 2 (2.5# plates)

Each team will have 2 racks and 2 benches for the Bench Press.

You can warm up before the event or do warm up sets building up to your weight during the event.

Only one athlete can be lifting for a score at a time.

Movement Standard

Hang Snatch- Weight must be deadlifted to full extension on the first rep. The Athlete can then perform a hang snatch. The athlete can do a Hang Power Snatch, Hang Squat Snatch, or Hang Split Snatch but the athlete must open their hips and fully extend the knees with feet in line and arms locked out with bar over head at the top position. The bar may not pass below the knee during any rep. (Bar must start from the floor.) **Yes we know some of you have mobility issues. This may mean you do less weight or less reps**

Bench Press- Athlete will lay on the bench, and may get a lift-off from their spotter. Lift begins with the elbows fully locked out at the top, the bar will then be lowered and MUST touch the chest. The lift ends with the arms fully locked out. You may not drop the rep into the rack. If the spotter must touch the bar, (besides from the initial lift off, or an assist back into the rack after final lockout) that will be considered a NO-REP. The athletes butt must stay on the bench during the lift.

Hang Clean- Weight must be deadlifted to full extension on the first rep. The Athlete can then perform a hang clean. The athlete can do a Hang Power Clean, Hang Squat Clean, or Hang Split Clean but the athlete must open their hips and fully extend the knees with feet in line and the elbows in front of the bar at the top position. The bar may not pass below the knee during any rep. (Bar must start from the floor.) **Yes we know some of you have mobility issues. This may mean you do less weight or less reps**

Back Squat- Weight must be held on the back. The athlete must touch a Medicine ball with their butt at the bottom position, and the hips must fully open at the top. Bar will start on the rack.


Sarah, Brittany, Luke and I tested this and here is an Example of how we were prepared…

For the Hang Snatch
Luke is doing the 3 RM @ 185
Brittany is doing the 6 RM @ 75
Sarah is doing the 9 RM @ 95
Alex is doing the 12 RM @ 135

For the Bench Press:
Brittany is doing the 3 RM @ 115
Luke is doing the 6 RM @ 205
Alex is doing the 9 RM @ 205
Sarah is doing the 12 RM @ 125

For the Hang Clean
Sarah is doing the 3 RM @ 145
Alex is doing the 6 RM @ 205
Luke is doing the 9 RM @ 185
Brittany is doing the 12 RM @ 85

For the Back Squat
Alex is doing the 3 RM @ 315
Sarah is doing the 6 RM @ 135
Brittany is doing the 9 RM @ 155
Luke is doing the 12 RM @ 275

Example of how weight will be calculated with the 1.5 multiplier for women.
– Hang Snatch Total: 4132.5 (185 x 3) + (75 x 1.5 x 6) + (95 x 1.5 x 9) + (135 x 12)
– Bench Press Total: 5092.5 (115 x 1.5 x 3) + (205 x 6) + (205 x 9) + (125 x 1.5 x 8)
– Hang Clean Total: 5077.5 (145 x 1.5 x 3) + (205 x 6) + (185 x 9) + (85 x 1.5 x 12)
– Back Squat Total: 7552.5 (315 x 3) + (135 x 1.5 x 6) + (155 x 1.5 x 9) + (275 x 12)


Total weight lifted x Reps. (Women’s lifted weights will be multiplied by 1.5.)

WOD #2 A
Olympic (Snatch & Clean) Total Score: 9210 Hang Snatch 4132.5 + Hang Clean 5077.5

WOD #2 B
Power (Bench & Back Squat) Total Score: 12645 Bench Press 5092.5 + Back Squat 7552.5

WOD #3 - (Posted)

Event 3 (A&B) – For Time

“Hi, it’s Jimmy! If you can dream it, you can do it!”

  • Practice 
    – 4 minutes to test shooting the airsoft guns
      • All Athletes must wear eye protection.
      • We’ll have it available for you if you don’t have glasses.
  • Round 1 (WOD #3 A)
      • For Max Targets Hit.
        • (Athlete A) 1 minute
          • Ski (10/7 calories)
          • With remaining time shots on targets for max hits
        • (Athlete B) 1 minute
          • Ski (10/7 calories)
          • With remaining time shots on targets for max hits.
        • (Athlete C) 1 minute
          • Ski (10/7 calories)
          • With remaining time shots on targets for max hits.
        • (Athlete D) 1 minute
          • Ski (10/7 calories)
          • With remaining time shots on targets for max hits.

Things to know.

  1. WOD #3 A score is total targets hit.
  2. Max of 21 targets
  3. Tiebreaker of WOD #3 B Time
  4. Restart the SkiErg at 0 for every athlete.
  5. Start on the SkiErg NOT holding the handles.
  6. Must stay on the SkiErg platform until calories are hit
  7. Pick your order.
  • Round 2 (WOD #3 B)
    • For Time:
      • (Athlete A)
        • Ski (5/4 calories)
        • 3 shots on targets (doesn’t matter if you hit a target or not)
      • (Athlete B)
        • Ski (5/4 calories)
        • 3 shots on targets (doesn’t matter if you hit a target or not)
      • (Athlete C)
        • Ski (5/4 calories)
        • 3 shots on targets (doesn’t matter if you hit a target or not)
      • (Athlete D)
        • Ski (5/4 calories)
        • 3 shots on targets (doesn’t matter if you hit a target or not)
      • (Continue back around to athlete A until all 8 targets are hit)

Things to know.

  1. WOD #3 B score is the time when the last target of the 8 is hit.
  2. Cut off time of 8 minutes
  3. Restart the SkiErg at 0 for every athlete
  4. You may not touch the handles on the SkiErg until the 3rd shot of the athlete in front of you
  5. Must stay on the SkiErg platform until calories are hit
  6. Pick your order.
  7. If you cock the airsoft gun and shoot it counts as 1 shot. Even if you think it is out of bullets.
  8.  Target must be hit off the stand. It doesn’t matter if you think you hit it, and it doesn’t fall off.

WOD #4

Find out at the competition.