Teams WOD #1 A - (Swim & Push Ups) WOD #1 B - (Bike & DB Step Overs) WOD #1 C - (Run & Burpee Box Jump Overs) WOD #3 A (1 Min Each) WOD #3 B (8 For Time) WOD #2 A (Olympic) WOD #2 B (Power) WOD #4 A WOD #4 B  WOD #4 C  WOD #4 D WOD #4 E WOD #4 F WOD #4 G WOD #4 H
  Overall Place   Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place    Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place   Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place   Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place   Pull Ups Place   Over The Wall Place   Shot Put Place   Farmers Carry Place   Basketball Shots Place   Row and S2OH Place   Jump Rope Place   Stone Carry and Sled Place  
Red 1st 2 1   3 5   1 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   1 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   6 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 1 1 Weight Distance 1 2 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 3 3 Movement Totals 7 2
Push Ups 44 DB Step Overs 38   Burpee Box Jump Overs 20 8   4:13     9398     11610 2:47 2:51 3:24 2:50
Allegra B.     Allegra B. 12 65 1170   9 95 1282.5   Allegra B. 6 85 765   3 125 562.5   Banded 1 26 26 6 lbs 2 15' 1 11 11 Double Unders 98
Jacob G. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Jacob G. 3 165 495   6 205 1230   Jacob G. 9 185 1665   12 245 2940   Pull Ups 1 30 30 9 lbs 3 15' 1 9 9 Killer Rope 32
Krystal P. 7:23 7:23   8:55   Krystal P. 9 110 1485   12 125 2250   Krystal P. 3 155 697.5   6 155 1395   C2B 3 25 75 10 lbs 4 20' 2 8 16 Single Unders 117
Nick H. Total 44 Total 38   Total 20 8   4:13 8 Nick H. 6 145 870   3 205 615   Nick H. 12 160 1920   9 185 1665   Muscle Ups 5 18 90 2:47 12 lbs 3 2:51 20' 2 5 10 3:24 Double Unders 88 2:50
39 Points 2 Points 1   Points 3 Points 5   Points 1 Totals 4020   5377.5   Points 1 Totals 5047.5   6562.5   Points 6     Total 221 1 Points 1 Total 12 1 Points 2     Total 46 3 Points 3 Total 335 7 Points 2
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Yellow 2nd 7 2   7 4   3 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   4 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   2 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 5 5 Weight Distance 1 1 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 8 1 Movement Totals 5 1
Push Ups 28 DB Step Overs 34   Burpee Box Jump Overs 15 9   5:42     8243     12585 3:12 2:45 3:15 2:14
Amanda S.     Amanda S. 9 65 877.5   12 95 1710   Amanda S. 3 95 427.5   6 145 1305   Banded 1 25 25 6 lbs 3 15' 1 7 7 Double Unders 110
Eloy R. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Eloy R. 6 115 690   3 155 465   Eloy R. 12 135 1620   9 205 1845   Pull Ups 1 20 20 9 lbs 2 15' 1 4 4 Killer Rope 60
Jordan S. 8:00 7:29   8:28   Jordan S. 3 205 615   5 255 1275   Jordan S. 9 245 2205   12 295 3540   C2B 3 19 57 10 lbs 3 20' 2 3 6 Single Unders 126
Mackenzie M. Total 28 Total 34   Total 15 9   5:42 8 Mackenzie M. 12 70 1260   9 100 1350   Mackenzie M. 6 110 990   3 145 652.5   Muscle Ups 5 11 55 3:12 12 lbs 4 2:45 20' 2 7 14 3:15 Double Unders 70 2:14
56 Points 7 Points 2   Points 7 Points 4   Points 3 Totals 3442.5   4800   Points 4 Totals 5242.5   7342.5   Points 2     Total 157 5 Points 5 Total 12 1 Points 1     Total 31 8 Points 1 Total 366 5 Points 1
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Blue 4th 4 5   2 7   5 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   5 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   1 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 7 3 Weight Distance 4 4 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 1 4 Movement Totals 8 6
Push Ups 39 DB Step Overs 25   Burpee Box Jump Overs 20 8   7:36     8003     13583 3:01 3:11 3:38 3:22
Aly M.     Aly M. 9 100 1350   6 155 1395   Aly M. 3 140 630   12 200 3600   Banded 1 10 10 6 lbs 3 15' 1 15 15 Double Unders 110
Jimmie K. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Jimmie K. 3 135 405   12 155 1860   Jimmie K. 9 195 1755   6 265 1590   Pull Ups 1 31 31 9 lbs 2 15' 1 5 5 Killer Rope 65
Joe W. 6:54 8:06   7:29   Joe W. 6 115 690   3 205 615   Joe W. 12 195 2340   9 255 2295   C2B 3 11 33 10 lbs 3 20' 2 8 16 Single Unders 96
Robin N. Total 39 Total 25   Total 20.1 8   7:36 8 Robin N. 12 45 810   9 65 877.5   Robin N. 6 80 720   3 145 652.5   Muscle Ups 5 10 50 3:01 12 lbs 3 3:11 20' 2 9 18 3:38 Double Unders 63 3:22
66 Points 4 Points 5   Points 2 Points 7   Points 5 Totals 3255   4747.5   Points 5 Totals 5445   8137.5   Points 1     Total 124 7 Points 3 Total 11 4 Points 4     Total 54 1 Points 4 Total 334 8 Points 6
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Navy 6th 5 6   5 3   2 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   3 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   7 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 8 5 Weight Distance 1 5 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 3 8 Movement Totals 4 3
Push Ups 37 DB Step Overs 21   Burpee Box Jump Overs 16 9   4:54     8565     11370 3:12 3:13 4:25 2:51
Amber S.     Amber S. 3 95 427.5   12 125 2250   Amber S. 6 115 1035   9 155 2092.5   Banded 1 22 22 6 lbs 3 15' 1 9 9 Double Unders 91
Eric B. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Eric B. 9 115 1035   6 155 930   Eric B. 3 225 675   12 205 2460   Pull Ups 1 27 27 9 lbs 2 15' 1 11 11 Killer Rope 57
Jamie P. 5:47 8:08   7:59   Jamie P. 12 55 990   3 115 517.5   Jamie P. 9 75 1012.5   6 130 1170   C2B 3 17 51 10 lbs 3 20' 2 4 8 Single Unders 143
Joe L. Total 37 Total 21   Total 16 9   4:54 8 Joe L. 6 125 750   9 185 1665   Joe L. 12 175 2100   3 275 825   Muscle Ups 5 4 20 3:12 12 lbs 4 3:13 20' 2 9 18 4:25 Double Unders 77 2:51
68 Points 5 Points 6   Points 5 Points 3   Points 2 Totals 3202.5   5362.5   Points 3 Totals 4822.5   6547.5   Points 7     Total 120 8 Points 5 Total 12 1 Points 5     Total 46 3 Points 8 Total 368 4 Points 3
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Orange 4th 1 4   1 2   8 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   7 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   4 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 4 8 Weight Distance 4 6 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 2 6 Movement Totals 2 7
Push Ups 45 DB Step Overs 26   Burpee Box Jump Overs 23 12   8:00     7883     12015 3:32 3:39 3:50 3:27
Caitie O.     Caitie O. 12 60 1080   9 95 1282.5   Caitie O. 6 90 810   3 165 742.5   Banded 1 31 31 6 lbs 2 15' 1 9 9 Double Unders 86
Darren B. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Darren B. 3 175 525   6 185 1110   Darren B. 9 230 2070   12 235 2820   Pull Ups 1 24 24 9 lbs 1 15' 1 13 13 Killer Rope 54
Lisa M. 6:22 7:49   7:14   Lisa M. 9 60 810   12 85 1530   Lisa M. 3 85 382.5   6 105 945   C2B 3 20 60 10 lbs 4 20' 2 4 8 Single Unders 160
Mark M. Total 45 Total 26   Total 23 12   8:00 5 Mark M. 6 155 930   3 205 615   Mark M. 12 185 2220   9 225 2025   Muscle Ups 5 9 45 3:32 12 lbs 4 3:39 20' 2 11 22 3:50 Double Unders 81 3:27
66 Points 1 Points 4   Points 1 Points 2   Points 8 Totals 3345   4537.5   Points 7 Totals 5482.5   6532.5   Points 4     Total 160 4 Points 8 Total 11 4 Points 6     Total 52 2 Points 6 Total 381 2 Points 7
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Green 8th 8 8   6 8   6 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   8 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   8 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 6 7 Weight Distance 4 7 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 6 2 Movement Totals 3 5
Push Ups 12 DB Step Overs 16   Burpee Box Jump Overs 15 8   8:00     7583     10320 3:23 3:44 3:19 3:21
Madi     Madi 9 70 945   6 105 945   Madi 3 75 337.5   12 105 1890   Banded 1 21 21 6 lbs 5 15' 1 14 14 Double Unders 112
Brian M. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Brian M. 6 185 1110   3 240 720   Brian M. 12 205 2460   9 235 2115   Pull Ups 1 15 15 9 lbs 4 15' 1 7 7 Killer Rope 67
Christina W. 8:26 8:20   8:18   Christina W. 12 50 900   9 85 1147.5   Christina W. 6 75 675   3 115 517.5   C2B 3 24 72 10 lbs 1 20' 2 5 10 Single Unders 117
Ryan L. Total 12 Total 16   Total 15.1 8   8:00 6 Ryan L. 3 105 315   12 125 1500   Ryan L. 9 135 1215   6 185 1110   Muscle Ups 5 8 40 3:23 12 lbs 1 3:44 20' 2 4 8 3:19 Double Unders 77 3:21
92 Points 8 Points 8   Points 6 Points 8   Points 6 Totals 3270   4312.5   Points 8 Totals 4687.5   5632.5   Points 8     Total 148 6 Points 7 Total 11 4 Points 7     Total 39 6 Points 2 Total 373 3 Points 5
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Purple 7th 6 7   7 1   6 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   6 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   5 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 2 2 Weight Distance 8 8 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 5 7 Movement Totals 1 4
Push Ups 37 DB Step Overs 20   Burpee Box Jump Overs 15 13   8:00     7920     11678 2:58 3:46 4:00 3:14
Craig J.     Craig J. 9 105 945   6 160 960   Craig J. 12 175 2100   3 185 555   Banded 1 20 20 6 lbs 2 15' 1 9 9 Double Unders 108
Jenna E. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Jenna E. 6 80 720   3 135 607.5   Jenna E. 9 80 1080   12 175 3150   Pull Ups 1 22 22 9 lbs 2 15' 1 4 4 Killer Rope 70
Kade S. 7:35 7:35   8:28   Kade S. 3 155 465   12 185 2220   Kade S. 6 195 1170   9 245 2205   C2B 3 21 63 10 lbs 3 20' 2 11 22 Single Unders 129
Katarina E. Total 37 Total 20   Total 15 13   8:00 6 Katarina E. 12 55 990   9 75 1012.5   Katarina E. 3 85 382.5   6 115 1035   Muscle Ups 5 21 105 2:58 12 lbs 3 3:46 20' 2 3 6 4:00 Double Unders 87 3:14
75 Points 6 Points 7   Points 7 Points 1   Points 6 Totals 3120   4800   Points 6 Totals 4732.5   6945   Points 5     Total 210 2 Points 2 Total 10 8 Points 8     Total 41 5 Points 7 Total 394 1 Points 4
  Overall Place Movement Reps Place Movement Reps Place   Movement Reps Place  Total Targets Hit Place   Time for 8 Place Hang Snatch   Hang Clean   Overall Total Place Bench Press   Back Squat   Overall Total Place Pull Ups Place Over The Wall Place Shot Put Place Farmers Carry Place Basketball Shots Place Row and S2OH Place Jump Rope Place Stone Carry and Sled Place
Pink 3rd 3 3   4 6   4 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   2 Name Reps Weight Totals   Reps Weight Totals   3 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 3 4 Weight Distance 4 3 Movement Multiplier Reps Totals 7 5 Movement Totals 6 8
Push Ups 43 DB Step Overs 31   Burpee Box Jump Overs 18 8   6:19     8910     12120 3:06 2:56 3:47 3:43
Matt B.     Matt B. 6 115 690   9 160 1440   Matt B. 10 195 1950   3 275 825   Banded 1 25 25 6 lbs 2 15' 1 5 5 Double Unders 52
Paul W. Tie Break Tie Break   Tie Break   Paul W. 12 125 1500   3 215 645   Paul W. 9 160 1440   6 275 1650   Pull Ups 1 26 26 9 lbs 2 15' 1 11 11 Killer Rope 94
Robin S. 7:29 7:17   8:04   Robin S. 3 75 337.5   12 95 1710   Robin S. 6 90 810   9 155 2092.5   C2B 3 20 60 10 lbs 3 20' 2 0 0 Single Unders 129
Sarah A. Total 43 Total 31   Total 18 8   6:19 8 Sarah A. 9 95 1282.5   6 145 1305   Sarah A. 3 125 562.5   12 155 2790   Muscle Ups 5 10 50 3:06 12 lbs 4 2:56 20' 2 9 18 3:47 Double Unders 77 3:43
65 Points 3 Points 3   Points 4 Points 6   Points 4 Totals 3810   5100   Points 2 Totals 4762.5   7357.5   Points 3     Total 161 3 Points 4 Total 11 4 Points 3     Total 34 7 Points 5 Total 352 6 Points 8