


[one_third][button color=”btn-danger” size=”btn-lg” link=”https://xscrossfit.com/in-house-summer-team-comp-4-all-the-marbles/” ipos=”icon-left” target=”_blank” ]Pay now for this competition[/button]  
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[accordiongroup type=”2″ ][accordion title=”Info For Heat Times & WODs”]

List of when Heat Times & WODs will be posted.

[list type=”circle”][listitem ]Be at XS CrossFit Saturday (7/30) morning by 8am and everything should be over by 1:45pm[/listitem][listitem ]Teams & WOD #1 will be posted- Wednesday (7/27) Night[/listitem][listitem ]Heat Times & WOD #2 will be posted- Thursday (7/28) Night[/listitem][listitem ]FLOATER will be posted – Saturday (7/30) @ 11am[/listitem][listitem ]WOD #3 – Friday (7/29) Night[/listitem][/list] [/accordion][accordion title=”Teams & Heat Times”][one_third]

Black Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Joe R.[/listitem] [listitem ]Lynda H.[/listitem] [listitem ]Ryan L.[/listitem] [listitem ]Sam K.[/listitem][/list]

Red Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Andy E.[/listitem] [listitem ]Jeff K.[/listitem] [listitem ]Libby T.[/listitem] [listitem ]Zach E.[/listitem][/list]

Yellow Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Andrew B.[/listitem] [listitem ]Ian P.[/listitem] [listitem ]Natalie T.[/listitem] [listitem ]Paul H.[/listitem][/list]

Blue Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Amy A.[/listitem] [listitem ]Josh H.[/listitem] [listitem ]Justin K.[/listitem] [listitem ]Mark D.[/listitem][/list]

White Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Alison C.[/listitem] [listitem ]Andy S.[/listitem] [listitem ]Brennan K.[/listitem] [listitem ]Darren B.[/listitem][/list]

Green Team

[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Casey W.[/listitem] [listitem ]Chris D.[/listitem] [listitem ]Laura K.[/listitem] [listitem ]Jess F.[/listitem][/list][/one_third] [two_third]Heat Sheet is up Click Here
Heat Sheet-1[/two_third] [/accordion][accordion title=”WOD #1 – Fifty, Fifty, Fifty”]


EVENT 1: Fifty, Fifty, Fifty

In two pairs, each pair will complete the following, one pair at the heavy weight, one pair at the light weight:

5 Rounds For Time:[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]10 Hang Cleans (95/55)[/listitem] [listitem ]10 Shoulder to Overhead (95/55)[/listitem] [listitem ]10 Synchronized Burpees over the Bar[/listitem][/list]

Each person must do at least 1 barbell movement each round.

Movement Standards

Hang Cleans

The bar must be deadlifted to a fully standing and extended position, before a re-dip with the bar to initiate the hang clean may begin. The bar cannot dip below the knee when cleaning, and the bar must be cleaned all the way up to make contact with the shoulder. The finish position will include both elbow being in front of the bar and the hip and knee being at full extension at the same time the bar makes contact with the shoulder. If the bar is dropped in the middle of the set of 10, the bar must be deadlifted again before the next hang clean may be completed. Cleans must be completed before S2Os may begin. NOTE: the bar MAY be passed in the hang or the front rack from partner to partner, just remember that the rep is measured from bottom to top.

Shoulder to Overhead

The bar must begin touching the shoulders in a front rack and be pressed overhead such that simultaneously the knees, hips and elbows are at full extension, and the bar is inline with the heels hips and shoulders. The head must be directly under or in front of the bar at the point as well, not anywhere behind the bar. A strict press, push press, push jerk and split jerk are all acceptable means of pressing the bar overhead. NOTE: the bar MAY be passed in the front rack from partner to partner, just remember that the rep is measured from bottom to top.

Synchronized Burpees over the Bar

Burpees will begin with both athletes in a fully standing position at full extension of the knee and hip. Synchronization will be measured at the bottom, ie the athletes must hit their chest to the ground at the same time. This means if one athlete is faster, they must wait on the floor until their partner is there as well. Your judge will give you a “good” when both athletes have hit the floor at the same time. Then both athletes will need to do a 2 footed jump over the bar. This part does not need to be synchronized but may be if you choose. The rep will be counted when both athletes have done a 2 footed jump over the bar. If one or both partners jump off one foot by accident, the judge will allow you to step back over and rejump, you do not need to repeat the synchronized drop to the floor. After 10 Burpees, you will push your bar to the next round to begin Cleans for the next round.


[/accordion][accordion title=”WOD #2 – Squat and Kiss”]

Event 2: Squat and Kiss

Each team will have 15 minutes to find a 1RM Bench Press, a 1RM Barbell Overhead Squat, a 1RM Barbell Front Squat and a 1RM Barbell Back Squat.

Each team will be given a squat rack, a 15# barbell, 45# barbell, 2×2.5s, 2x5s, 2x10s, 2x15s, 2x25s, 2x35s, 4x45s. We will have a reserve set of 45s for anyone needing to back squat heavier than 410.

Rules for this event are as follows:

1. Each team must designate 1 person who will do the Bench Press, 1 person who will do the Overhead Squat, 1 person who will do the Front Squat and 1 person who will do the Back Squat. Once this has been established on your scorecard with your judge, there is no switching.
2. All weights must remain in the box designated under the rig.
3. Only one person may be lifting at a time.
4. Anyone on your team may load the bar.
5. Every single squat for score must be done to a medicine ball. Your judge must be able to clearly see your butt make contact with the ball at the bottom. No contact, no score. No sitting or bouncing on the ball.
6. You may make an unlimited number of attempts, but attempts will only count if they are completed in the 15 minute time cap. Every successful attempt will be recorded by your judge.
7. You may alternate however you like between lifters. In other words, you don’t have to have your overhead squatter finish before your front squatter begins. This way you can have the bar work up in weight and not have to go back down.
8. The heaviest recorded attempt for each lift will be counted and all 4 lifts will be combined for a TOTAL score. This is how points will be awarded for the event.

For all squats, the athlete will begin with the hip and knee at full extension, and squat until the butt makes contact with the medicine ball on the floor. It is the athlete’s responsibility, not the judge’s, to set their feet such that they will make contact with the ball.[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]BP – barbell must start with arms locked out and then make contact with the chest and return to the arms in the locked out position. Team members MAY help the athlete get loaded and help off the rack if needed. If a spotter touches the bar or the athlete during the lift the rep will not count.[/listitem] [listitem ]FS – bar must stay in a front rack, maintaining contact with shoulders for the entire squat top to top and hands must stay on the bar for the entire squat top to top. A crossed arm front rack is allowed if desired. Athlete must make contact with the med ball at the bottom of the squat. The rep is counted when the athlete has returned the hip to full extension and the shoulders hips and heels are in line. [/listitem] [listitem ]OHS – Bar may be jerked overhead off the back, and team members are allowed to assist with this in whatever way they choose. Once the bar is locked out overhead and the body is at full extension, the athlete may hit a full squat to the med ball and return to full extension. The rep is counted when the athlete has returned the hip to full extension and the shoulders, hips and heels are in line. [/listitem] [listitem ]BS – Once the bar is on the back, the athlete may hit a full squat to the med ball and return to full extension. The rep is counted when the athlete has returned the hip to full extension and the shoulders, hips and heels are in line. [/listitem][/list]


[/accordion][accordion title=”FLOATER – Stack The Blocks”] [list type=”circle”] [listitem ]3 people will be holding on to ropes and lifting a board off of the ground. You must hold the rope behind the white tape line on the rope. If the board ever touches the ground all the blocks on the board will be removed from the board and you will have to start over.[/listitem] [listitem ]The one person that is not holding on to a rope will run over to the block pile and grab 1 block. They will bring that block back and set it on the board and then they must switch with another athlete holding on the rope.[/listitem] [listitem ]The next athlete will grab another block from the block pile and set it on the board then switch with the next person in the rotation. You must keep rotating in the same order not skipping anyone.
[listitem ]The team will continue to stack the blocks until the stack is 5 on the bottom then 4, 3, 2 and 1 on top creating a pyramid. When the last block is placed on top that person who placed it must touch the finish line before anything falls to stop the clock.[/listitem] [listitem ]If a block falls and touches the ground it is now out of play and a judge will move it back to the block pile and the team will continue getting blocks one at a time to rebuild.
[listitem ]If the pyramid is starting to fall the athlete is more than welcome to touch and adjust all the blocks in the pyramid to make it balance better.[/listitem] [listitem ]If a team fails to build the 15 block pyramid in 8 minutes every missing block at the 8min cap will count as 1 extra second and the finish line touch also counts as an extra second. (if a team stacked a pyramid of 5,4,3,2 and didn’t get the last block before the time cut their final score is 8:02 because of the one missing block and not touching the finish line.)[/listitem][/list]


[/accordion][accordion title=”WOD #3 – Keep Moving”]

EVENT 3: Keep Moving

6min AMRAP Of: (1 person on each movement at a time so a total of 2 people working at at time)[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Max Reps Pull Ups[/listitem] [listitem ]Max Reps Med Ball toss[/listitem][/list]

Rest 2 minutes

6min AMRAP Of:(1 person on Russian Twists at a time, all 3 other people working together to flip the tire)[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]Max Reps Russian twists[/listitem] [listitem ]Max Reps Big Tire Flips (reps for tire flips with be multiplied by 10)[/listitem][/list]

Rest 2 minutes

6min AMRAP Of:(Everyone must be touching the sandbag all the way around the 200m then only 1 person on the rope climb at a time)[list type=”circle”] [listitem ]200m sandbag carry[/listitem] [listitem ]max effort Rope Climbs in remaining time[/listitem][/list]

Each 6min AMRAP will be its own scored event. Each person must complete at least 1 rep at their selected movements. The movemrnts/weights must be selected before the workout starts. The reps for each movement will be added together for your score. The Rope Climbs will be the only score for that event.

Med Ball Toss

Each person uses a different weight med ball, each team will be given a 10, 14, 20, and 25 pound med ball. A med ball toss will be measured by tossing a med ball to make contact with the target height of 10 feet. No squat required. Each person has to perform at least one rep with their med ball.

Pull Ups

Each person will complete a different movement on the pullup rig. The four movements which will be worked on are Jumping pullups, blue banded pullups, Chin-Over-Bar pullups, and Chest to Bar pullups. The jumping pull up starts with the bar 6 inches over head height. The arms start locked out with the head under the bar and ends with chin over the bar height. Banded and Chin over Bar pullups will be measured from the bottom when the elbow is at full extension in the hang, to the top when the chin passes above the height of the bar. Chest to Bar pullups will be measured from the bottom when the elbow is at full extension in the hang, to the top when the chest (anything below the collarbone) makes contact with the bar. Strict, Kipping and Butterfly pullups are allowed.

Russian Twists

Each person uses a different weight plate, each team will be given a 15, 25, 35, and 45 pound plate. Movement will be measured from touch to touch. In other words the first rep begins when the plate is touching the floor and the feet are off the ground. Plate will alternate sides and feet must remain off the floor for the entire rep for the rep to count.

Rope Climbs

Each person has their own climbing height. The Rope Climb heights are 15’, 13’, 11’, One Rope Mod. All heights can be climbed in any style you just need to touch the paint line. The rope mod starts standing and walks hand over head down the rope to the back flat on the ground and hand over hand back up to standing. You mush clime in that order (15’, 13’, 11’, Rope Mod) and the person that finishes must tag the next climbers hand before they can climb. If you get to the point where you can’t climb the rope you must run and touch the wall and run back to tag the next teammate to climb to their height. The wall touch doesn’t count as a rope climb.

