March 10, 2020
    by Alex Etzen


    Sarah and Kris crushed the Women’s WOD JAM Team CrossFit Competition on Saturday. They tied for 2nd but ended up with 3rd by criteria. If you are interested in doing a competition let a coach know and check out the Events page on XSCrossFit .com here is the link to the event page
    Jimmie Keas will be getting his qualifying workouts on Thursday evening at 6pm (he made it in the top 200 in the world in his age group on the Open last fall). They say it will be six different WODs and he’ll need to have them done by Monday at 6pm. Come cheer him on Thursday evening and feel free to do the WOD with him to give him that extra push. GOOD LUCK JIMMIE!

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Accessory Work

    3 Rounds NFT

    30 sec KB Russian Twist

    15 sec rest

    30 sec Superman Hold

    15 sec rest

    30 sec lateral medicine ball hand step up and overs (plank position)


    AMRAP: Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

    8:00 Min AMRAP

    12/10 Cal Row

    10 HSPU

    10 Renegade Rows (35/20) (20/10)

    2:00 Min Rest

    8:00 Min

    12/10 Cal Row

    10 HSPU

    10 Renegade Rows (35/20) (20/10)
    Renegade Row is Row Left/Row Right/ Push up

    Start round 2 where you left off.