February 27, 2020
    by Alex Etzen


    The Nutrition Challenge is over! Here is the link to the page. Make sure to fill out the forms from last week and get your body fat test done before Sunday night.

    Nutrition Challenge

    The 12 hour FIT Number Challenge will be this Saturday, February 29th from 8am to 8pm. Come see how many FIT Number points you can get in 12 hours. We will give out prizes for the top points. You don’t have to commit to the full 12 hours. Feel free to show up for a few hours and get your 2020 FIT Number points started. No points can be logged on the FIT Number site until the 29th. Talk to Alex if you have any questions.
    No regular classes on Saturday for the FIT Number Challenge. Sorry for everyone that regularly comes to the 10am Free class. Feel free to come work on your FIT Number.
    Nutrition Challenge Body Fat test sign up.

    Men & Women – email [email protected] with a time you’d like to do your body fat test.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Accessory Work

    Metcon (No Measure)

    4 Rounds NFT Of:

    – 50′ Sled Push

    – 1min Plank


    Metcon (Time)

    5 Rounds Of:

    – 10R/10L Hang KB Snatch 53/35#

    – 10 T2B

    – 10 Box Jumps 24/20″

    Round #3 double the reps on every movement. That means on round #3 you’ll do 20R/20L Hang KB Snatch, 20 T2B, & 20 Box Jumps.