April 7, 2021
    by Alex Etzen


    Use these links to sign up for the end of Nutrition Challenge Body Fat Test. Make sure to log your bonus points for Week #12 after you get your test done. If you absolutely can’t make one of these times work email [email protected] to setup a time.
    Men’s link – https://xscrossfit.com/mens-body-fat-test-sign-up/
    Women’s link – https://xscrossfit.com/womens-body-fat-test-sign-up/

    XS CrossFit – Barbell Club


    Metcon (No Measure)

    100m Run/Sprint

    10 Decline Bench Press

    10 KB/DB Sumo DL High Pull

    *3 Rounds, NFT


    Close-Grip Bench Press (10×4)

    Place your hands ~14″ apart on the bar (as close as your wrists allow at the bottom) and execute a bench press.
    All the same weight (70-80%)


    Deadlift (1,×5, 1×5,1×5, 3×3 @ build)

    Use Jerk Blocks


    Superset (3×3) with the farmers Carry

    Farmer’s Carry (3x200m)