May 19, 2023
    by Alex Etzen


    Murph Shirts!
    – The blank shirts are in the gym.
    – Pick the blank shirt you want.
    – Fill out the sheet.
    – Put the shirt and sheet on a hanger.

    XS CrossFit – General CrossFit

    Warm-up (No Measure)

    3 rounds NFT

    15/12 Cal Row (Sprint)

    10 Empty Barbell Muscle Snatch

    10 Empty Barbell Shoulder Press


    3 Position Clean (build to a heavy for the day)

    High Hang + Knee + Floor
    (20 Minutes)


    Split Jerk (3×3 @ 80% , 2×2 @ 85%, 2×1@90%)

    Accessory Work

    Metcon (No Measure)

    50 DB Hammer Curls

    40 GHD Sit-ups

    30 Dips