January 4, 2012
    by Alex Etzen

    Keep in mind the more you come in the easier it is. As ridiculous as that sounds. It is true. I can’t tell you how many times people come in once then take 3 days off. When this happens, the soreness creeps up hard. Take time out of your day to commit one hour to CrossFit. Just walk in and let us do the rest. Please don’t just come in once or twice a week. You will be amazingly sore and it will be hard for you to see gains. Try to come in at least 4 days a week. After a while it just becomes your routine.

    Nice job today with the Muscle Ups! In CrossFit we do random, weird and crazy things that at times you might think somethings impossible. All I ask is you give it a shot. Don’t be afraid to fail. Here is a quote from Socrates – “What a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable.”

    Here is Carl cranking out Muscle Up subs

    Snatch 1 Rep every 20 seconds…..rest 10 seconds…..repeat this cycle 10 times.
    Your goal is to go heavy….failing is not a terrible thing.

    10 minute AMRAP of:
    9 shuttle runs 30′
    7 Power Snatches @ 115/75#’s
    5 Burpees

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